1. mount.gce-pd(8)
  2. mount.gce-pd(8)


mount.gce-pd - create and mount a persistent disk, deleting on unmount


mount.gce-pd DISK_NAME MOUNTPOINT [-sfnv] -o size=SIZE[,OPTIONS] -t gce-pd.FSTYPE


This is a tool designed to be used as a file system type on Linux machines running on Google Compute Engine. It allows on-mount creation of Persistent Disks and on-unmount deletion of them. This can then be used in conjunction with Linux's Automount, enabling on-demand scratch disks.


Since Compute Engine charges for disk use on a per-gigabyte basis, if you have infrequently used jobs which need scratch space, you can use this to automatically create and delete these disks as needed, thereby reducing cost.


Because mount.gce-pd modifies persistent disks, it needs authorized credentials to do so. To provide those credentials, create your instance with the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute scope (aliased to compute-rw in the gcloud CLI). Read Authorizing Requests to Google Compute Engine for more information about scopes in Google Cloud.



See the -f option in mount(8).


See the -n option in mount(8).


Provide mount options. Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separated string of options. Also see the section MOUNT OPTIONS and the -o option in mount(8).

Note: The size option is required.


See the -s option in mount(8).

-t gce-pd.FSTYPE

Declare the underlying filesystem to create on new persistent disks. FSTYPE must be a valid filesystem type which can be created using mkfs.FSTYPE and mounted using mount -t FSTYPE.

Note: This option is required.


Enable verbose logging. Also see the -v option in mount(8).



Change access permissions on the mounted filesystem after creation. This accepts access modes in all valid MODE formats of chmod(1).


Change the owner and group of the mounted filesystem after creation. This accepts owner and group in all valid formats of user-spec as specified in chown in the ZSH/FILES section of zshmodules(1).


Print usage information and exit.


The size of the persistent disk. Accepts all values accepted by the --size option of gcloud compute disks create. See the gcloud documentation for more information.

Note: This option is required.


Log to syslog(3) instead of stdout.

Any mount options not recognized by mount.gce-pd are passed to the mount command used to mount the created filesystem. See mount(8) and the documentation for the created filesystem type for additional information.


command line use

mount media /mnt/media -o size=10GiB -t gce-pd.ext4

fstab use

media /mnt/media gce-pd.ext4 size=10GiB 0 0


Use with Automount

  1. You must use the syslog mount option, otherwise accesses to the mounted filesystem will hang.
  2. If Google Cloud Monitoring's Stackdriver Agent is used, you must configure the agent to ignore automounted directories, otherwise those directories will never unmount. This can be accomplished by putting the following in /opt/stackdriver/collectd/etc/collectd.d/<SOME_NAME>.conf:

    <Plugin "df">
      MountPoint "/path/to/automounted/directory"


Written by Russell Harmon.


You can find us at our github page.


mount(8), chmod(1), zshmodules(1), syslog(3), gcloud compute disks create

  1. December 2015
  2. mount.gce-pd(8)